Hamilton Elementary PTO is a volunteer organization designed to support the faculty, students and staff at Hamilton Elementary. We are proud of our varied programs and volunteer opportunities that promote educational assistance to our students. Your support of PTO through dues and fundraising efforts pay for these outside programs to be brought to our school and enjoyed by our students.

PTO could not operate without your continued support! 


Your Support of PTO helps support the many programs that our students and teachers benefit from throughout the year.  Please support the PTO by participating in FUN family events, spirit nights, Major Fundraising events and even by simply joining the PTO!


PTO Funds approximately $90,000 worth of activities for our school, including, but not limited to the following:


*Cultural Arts programs

*Campus Beautification

*Field Trip Transportation

*Teacher Appreciation & Hospitality

*Storytelling Days

*5th Grade Day

*Biz Town

*Yearly garden instruction and garden upkeep

*Field Day

*Daddy Daughter Dance

*Mom & Son Event

*Whoville Community Event

*Elf Shop

*Various Playground updates

*Library Books and Author Visits

*Online Subscriptions for Learning Resources

*Staff Development and Teacher Conferences

*Additional Instructional Materials for classrooms

*Classroom Parties


And Much Much more!!

Your $$ are part of what makes Hamilton an amazing place for our little Lions to learn and grow!